Messages from our Mayors in the Memphremagog West Region

Joan Westland
Mayor of Bolton-East

Words cannot begin to express how impressed I and the municipality of Bolton Est are with the work being done by the staff and volunteers of the CABMN. However, under the current constraints, words are all I can give. You were right there from day one of this pandemic and you continue to show compassion, professionalism, creativity and dedication. Thank you.




Jacques Marcoux
Mayor of Potton


More than ever, in this time of pandemic, we must be responsible by rigorously respecting the instructions emanating from the Quebec government. Many thanks to all those who take the situation as seriously as it deserves. It is really a matter of life and death. Sincere thanks to all those who intervene in any way, you help to improve matters.



Michèle Turcotte
Mayor of Saint-Étienne-de-Bolton

Mutual aid and solidarity have become essential values in this time of pandemic.
I would like to thank all those, from the CABMN or other organizations, who are helping and caring for their relatives, friends and neighbours.
My special greetings and good health wishes to our neighbours in the Missisquoi Valley North.
Let’s stick to the rules for now, we’ll visit each other later!




Yvon Laramée
Mayor of Eastman

Faced with this reality that strikes us, it is time for solidarity and mutual aid. More than ever, we must listen to the instructions of our governments. Together, we will succeed in defeating this pandemic if each of us works together. It is a matter of life and death. I would like to thank the CABMN for its involvement as well as all the organizations that, through their volunteer work, contribute to ensuring a quality of life for all the citizens of our region. Rest assured that the Municipality of Eastman is ready to support organizations that are concerned about the well-being of people.