T’was 5 days before Christmas, when Ethan and kids gathered.

They counted up elves, had snack and played games, but then; they discussed what really mattered.

So many smiles, rosy cheeks and faces with cheer.

Unfortunately minus the 5, Ethan was wishing could be here.

But it’s the kids who could be here, who now matter most.

It’s them I thank for being here, for being our participants; it’s them that I toast.

‘For without you I’m the snow man made by no one, I’m three pointless balls.

What good’s a Christmas treat unshared?what good are these decked halls?

To my car I meandered, to Walmarts I dash.

I order from Amazon, and I part with my cash.

To buy gifts for you, our devoted member.

And show you I care most in the month of December.

A modest Christmas party, with colouring books we’re happy.

Unless you come from a wealthy family, then a colouring book’s quite crappy.

So Ethan runs to the basement and the kids all stay listening…

And what does he bring up? But 15 Squishmallows: shiny, glistening.

To get them didn’t take luck, it took a handsome big donation.

And we recognize the Mansonville pool group, for that we give a standing ovation.

To my car I meandered, to Walmarts I dash.

I order from Amazon, and I part with their cash.

To buy gifts for you, our devoted member.

And show you we care most in the month of December.

So have joy and buckle up, it’s here I get sappy.

And keep on listening, with your Squishmallows I know now that you’re happy.

Because I still need to say, how much you mean to me.

How you’re brighter and more important, than the lights of Christmas tree.

How I’d trade the presents and stockings, for another afternoon with you.

How I’d wish upon a star, just hoping it’d come true.

That in the new year you’ll return, not for Squishmallows but, for each other.

Not for Barbies or for Hot Wheels but, the poems bald men mutter.

So this evening,

Remember as you colour and squish.

That dreams do come true, so start making your wish.

Because to my car I’ll meander, to Walmarts I’ll dash.

I’ll order from Amazon, and I’ll part with my cash.

To buy gifts for you, our devoted member.

And show you I care most in the month of December.
