Through direct services to individuals, members or member organizations, the volunteer centre takes an active part in improving the individual and collective quality of life. Volunteer centres promote the autonomy of individuals, assist in maintaining individuals in their natural milieu and promote the integration of various groups in the community. As a result, the volunteer centre is called upon to intervene on behalf of a varied clientele.

Services to individuals are aimed at :

  • Maintaining and improving the autonomy of persons living at home
  • Supporting an individual’s natural network
  • Offering advice and support to isolated individuals facing difficulty
  • Promoting quality of life

Direct services for the community at large:

  • Helping to keep people in their home
  • Workshops for seniors and others
  • Respite Care
  • Medical & Sick Room Equipment
  • Accompanied transportation
  • Emergency Food Bank
  • Christmas Baskets
  • Crisis Intervention
  • Advocacy
  • Reference
  • Information
  • Walk-in Assistance
  • Photocopies
  • Fax
  • Liaison with governments
  • Income Tax Clinic

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