On Tuesday, Dec. 5 the Missisquoi North Volunteer Centre (CABMN) celebrated International Volunteer Day with a wine and cheese party held at the Feather in the Wind Senior Centre from 7-9 p.m.

Close to 70 volunteers attended the event featuring the musical duo “Double or Nothing” Kylie Cote and Mike Patrick.

The annual Karen Muzerall Memorial Volunteer of the Year Award was presented to Barbara Taylor for her devotion and efforts in the settling of the Malikova family who moved from Ukraine to Potton this last summer.  Julia Eldridge new chair from the Partage/Share committee also thanked June Peacock with a beautiful bouquet who stepped down as former chair of the committee.  Ethan Ball Youth Centre and special services coordinator took the time to highlight 3 volunteers; Hilary Head for her work with persons with physical and mental disabilities, Beatrice Baass for volunteering to give weekly French lessons to Ukrainian residents who now live in Potton and finally Joan Eby for her work in helping organize a pen pal project between youth in Potton and children in Columbia.

Food and drink included cheese from the Abbaye Saint Benoit, cold cuts, grapes, crackers, and baguettes,  wine and non-alcoholic drinks were enjoyed by all the partygoers.  Three door prizes containing items from local businesses and merchants were given out to 3 lucky winners: Murielle Parkes, Bob Chacra, and Carmen Aubin 3 hard-working volunteers for the (CABMN).

If you would like to become a volunteer for the CABMN please contact Debbie Harding at [email protected] or call her at 450-292-3114 ext. 109


Volunteer Week, April 16 to 22, 2023

Instead of the usual celebration organized by the municipality with the collaboration of the CABMN, the municipality of Potton decided to donate the funds that would have been used for the celebration to the CABMN, to be used as it sees fit.

The CABMN did, however, place baskets of candy around town, at all local merchants and businesses. The baskets were accompanied by a small message saying, “Volunteering is Sweet”. The CABMN also placed a huge A-frame sign on the main lawn to thank all Potton volunteers.


Volunteer of the month: -VOLUNTEERS ARE THE LIFEBLOOD of our organization.

This is a new initiative launched in February 2024 to recognize volunteers who have been generous with their time and talents, volunteers who bring light and life to CABMN. Recognizing these selfless individuals for their valuable contributions is an essential part of letting them know how essential they are to the CABMN and the community.

Our first recipient is Rick Fergusson for his 30 years of volunteer work with the income tax program.