Ken Jones Centre and Potton Heritage Autumn Fest fundraiser at Owl’s Head

This collaboration between these two groups over 3 weekends was a lot of fun and raised a healthy profit. A good time was had by all.

We would like to thank Mrs. and Mr. Fred Korman generously for allowing us to use their kitchen and their facilities.

We could not have done it without the support of our wonderful volunteers who are listed below: we apologize if we have missed anyone.

The organizing committee

Sandra Jewett, Perry Hicks, Jacques Huppertz, David Stirling, Janine Sourdif,

Tim Crocker

Our volunteers

Richard Tetreault, Monique Sourdif, Fiona Campbell, Hans Walser, Angele Hebert,

Jacques Marcoux, Karen Muzzerall, Edith Smeesters, Christian Smeesters, Beatrice Bass,

Frank Ruiz, Jean Turner, Helga Heath, Norma Clifford, Wanda Leonard, Rick Fergusson,

Murielle Parkes, John Haberl, Ken Taylor, Michael Darney, Ken Jersey,

Rudy and Hildegarde Koch, Jordon Nichols


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