Potton Residences invites you to their Annual General Assembly


Notice – Annual General Assembly

Potton Residences


The Board of Directors of Potton Residences invites all its partners and the population of Potton Township to the annual general assembly that will take place:

Wednesday February 18th 2015 at 4pm

Town hall – Potton Township

The community’s participation in the decisions regarding the future of this building is essential!

– Due to new regulations (Loi 16) to obtain a certificate of conformity for a « Seniors residence » Potton Residences is no longer certified and it must change its name and services (you can obtain upon request, a copy of these modifications which will be adopted at the Annual general assembly).

– The rental of apartments to seniors 55 years and over has not lived up to the expectations anticipated when this project was initiated 5 years ago and the organization is currently in a fragile financial situation.


Everyone’s contribution in finding a collective solution for this project is essential. This building is an asset to the community and it’s now time to find constructive ways to work towards a balanced budget while offering services for housing in the community.

A few positions at the board of directors need to be filled to contribution to this important transition. Citizens with skills in management, administration, project development as well as communication/marketing are required to assist in making this transition a success for the entire community!

Thank your for confirming your attendance by February 16th by contacting Caroline Brown, president to the Board of Directors at :

– By email : [email protected]

– By phone : 450-292-3323


The Board of Directors

Potton Residences