If you have furniture or other items that appear on the attached list that you would like to donate contact Barbara Taylor at: [email protected]
If you want to make a monetary donation in support of this initiative you can do so by donating in the following ways through the CABMN Volunteer Centre. Please make a note on your cheque, interact transfer or on Canada helps stating that your donation is specifically for: Ukrainian Refugee support. Monetary donations will help with food, household needs, school supplies, clothing… Income tax receipts will be issued for all donations and require your name and address to appear on your cheque or donation.
Donations can be mailed to:
Missisquoi North Volunteer Centre (CABMN)
314B Principale
Mansonville, Quebec
J0E 1X0

Or by credit card at CanadaHelps.org

Or by contacting the CABMN Main office at 450-292-3114 to set up an e-transfer

Or by simply bringing in your donation to the office at the address above.

If you want to know more about this project we have attached information…




Now is the time to support Ukrainians who are trying desperately to relocate, build new lives for their families and to find a sense of peace, support and community.
I am proud to announce that a new Ukrainian family (parents with five beautiful children) will be coming shortly to Potton. The father will work at Garage Jauniaux and the family will live next door in the apartment building beside the garage. There is much to be done as we welcome this family with love and support.
The family requires significant support to build a new life in a foreign country with a new language, and in many cases, a new way of doing things. And they encounter the same challenges that Potton residents do: a shortage of affordable housing, a lack of childcare, and rising food costs.
Communities have come together to show support for these folks, and we at the CABMN are so grateful for everyone who has reached out in volunteering to help paint the apartment, assist in finding furniture and dishes, providing food and who will in future offer support as the family adjusts.
Your understanding of the suffering experienced as the war continues and the plight of those traumatized, displaced and hoping for brighter days is essential and so appreciated.
As a volunteer, I appeal to our community: please, don’t stop supporting Ukrainians. We need you. They need you.
If you can give, please give. If you can volunteer, please volunteer. Please don’t stop now as their needs have not stopped but rather have grown.

Thank you,

Mable Hastings-Directrice CABMN